
博士(文学)学位請求論文審査報告ph.d. theses

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名前 論文題目 学位授与決定日
常山 菜穂子 The Globe upon a Hill: Reception and Transfiguration of Shakespeare in the Early American Theater
佐藤 光重 Puritan Baroque:The Transformation of Renaissance Intellectual Traditions in Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor, and Cotton Mather 2000.11
大串 尚代 Babylon Sisters: Captivity, Hybridity and Trans-Subjectivity in the American Romance of Lydia Maria Child
川澄 哲夫 日米交渉史から見た英学史研究 2002.11
井藤 千穂 Towards the Luminous Core : Remapping Cultural Territories in Dorothy Richardson's Pilgrimage 2002.12
原田 範行 Literature in the Making: A Study of Samuel Johnson's Early Career 2003.3
白川 恵子 Antebellum Monsters: Race and the Subversive Imagination in the American Narrative Tradition 2003.7
白鳥 義博 Narrative and Nation in Henry Fielding's Later Writings 2004.1
大和田 俊之 Legitimacy and Repetition: The Subversion of Law in the Works of Herman Melville 2004.3
徳永 聡子 The Textual Transmission of the Canterbury Tales: The Case of Wynkyn de Worde 2005.9
宮丸 裕二 Art for Life’s Sake : Victorian Biography and Literary Artists 2006.1
深瀬 有希子 Blackness at the Crossroads: Toni Morrison and Multicultural Modernism 2007.1
波戸岡 景太 A Menagerie of Representations: Thomas Pynchon's Place between Postmodernism and Ecocriticism 2008.1
宇沢 美子 ハシムラ東郷--イエローフェイスのアメリカ異人伝
大沼 由布 The Appropriation of Classical Literature in Mandeville's Travels 2009.2
永野 文香 Surviving the World's End: Hiroshima, History, and Testimony in Kurt Vonnegut's Nuclear Fiction 2010.3
辻 秀雄 Hemingway, the Extraterritorial: Style of Relation and the Rise of Hardboiled Modernism 2011.2
山根 亮一 Cosmos and Cosmopolitanism: Vehicles for William Faulkner's American South 2014.7
加藤 有佳織 Transpacific Fakelore of the Asiatic: Relocating Ethnicity in Nikkei Literature and Native North American Literature 2014.10
松井 一馬 The Spectacle of the Empire: Haunting Figures in Henry James's Later Works 2015.1
土田 知則 ポール・ド・マンの戦争 2019.1
秋元 孝文 ドルと貨幣のアメリカ文学--貨幣制度と物語の共振
田ノ口 正悟 The Power of Nothingness: Destruction and Reconstruction of American Ideals in Herman Melville's Writings 2019.10
小泉 由美子 College upon a Hill: The Rise of the American Epic in the Age of the Connecticut Wits 2019.12
志賀 俊介 Living in the Middle of Nowhere: Ontological Ambivalence in Jhumpa Lahiri's Works 2020.2
細野 香里 Double-faced Maps: The Georacial Imagination in Mark Twain's Works 2020.2

