
faculty roster
undergraduated program
postgraduate program


https://www.flet.keio.ac.jp/en/admissions/index.html (undergraduate)
https://www.gsl.keio.ac.jp/en/admissions/index.html (postgraduate)

A. Number of Students to Be Admitted

Up to 60 undergraduate students are to be admitted to the second year class by screening applicants who have completed the first-year requirements in the Faculty of Letters, Keio University.

The numbers admissible in other categories are as follows:

  1. For the Master's degree program
    Library and Information Science Course : 10
  2. For the Master's degree program
    Information Resource Management Course : 10
  3. For the Ph.D. degree program : 5

B. Qualifications of Applicants

  1. The Master's degree program: Library and Information Science Course
    1. Those who have graduated from a university.
    2. Those who are certified to have finished courses which are equivalent to or are beyond the levels noted above.
  2. The Master's degree program: Information Resource Management Course
    Those who meet the following two requirements.
    1. Those who have graduated from a university no less than three years ago.
    2. Those who are qualified librarians (shisho) or who have an experience of having worked at libraries.
  3. The Ph.D. degree program
    Those who have graduated from the Master's degree program of library and information science or related fields.

C. Procedure and Entrance Examinations

All students who seek admission to the undergraduate, Master's degree, or Ph.D. degree programs must pass the entrance examinations. Special arrangements are offered to international students to give them wider opportunities for admission overcoming their disadvantage in Japanese language ability.

All inquiries from abroad about application procedures, etc. should be sent to the following address:

International Center, Keio University, Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345, Japan
(Tel. +81-3-5427-1611)

Foreign students who seek admission to undergraduate and graduate courses must acquire communication skill in Japanese before entrance examination. (All lectures are given in Japanese)

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