Graduate Seminar in Theatre Studies at Keio University


Book on Theatre and Transcultural has been Published


Under the collaboration with the JSPS project "Transcultural Theatre Research", the members of the seminar published the book "Questioning Culture: From the Perspective of Performing Arts" by Sairyusha in February 2021.

The authors are Eiichiro Hirata (Introduction), Ehito Terao (Chapter 1), Kurita Kurina (Chapter 2), Mai Miyake (Chapter 3), Kanji Miyashita (Chapter 4), Chisa Tanimoto (Chapter 5), Shu Ishimi (Chapter 6), Mariko Harigai (Chapter 7) and Chikako Kitagawa (Chapter 8).


For more details on the book, please see:


We are deeply indebted to the researchers and artists who were committed to the project, especially to the colleagues at Institute for Theatre Studies at Leipzig University, for valuable ideas in the intensive discussions.