本講演会では、ジョンズホプキンズ大の医療社会学者Alexandre White先生とカリフォルニア大学デイビス校の人類学者Li Zhang先生にご講演をいただきます。Alexandre White先生は、過去そして現在における伝染病の社会的影響と、種々の伝染病へ異なる国際的対応が生み出す金融と価値体系について研究されてきました。今回は、パンデミックにおける世界銀行を中心とした経済支援構造の根本的変化についてお話いただきます。Li Zhang先生は中国の一人っ子政策や、政治経済的変化がもたらす社会・心理的影響についての研究で数々の賞を受けられ、より最近では老いをめぐる政策についての研究を進められています。今回は、中国における精神療法の台頭と、心身二元論についてお話いただきます。コメンテイターとして、医療人類学者、浜田明範先生(東京大学)と倉田誠先生(東京医科大学)をお迎えします。
日時 | 2024年6月12日(水) 9:00-11:30 |
場所 | 慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス東館 G-LAB(下記⑬) https://www.keio.ac.jp/ja/assets/download/maps/mita/map_mita.pdf |
形態 | 対面開催 |
参加資格 | どなたでも参加できます。事前登録不要(参加費無料)。 |
使用言語 | 英語 |
Alexandre White先生演題:Necrofinance: The Valuation of Life under Pandemic Financing
What are the roles of capital markets and complex financial products in global health management? In 2017, in response to the widely seen failure of the global community to respond fast enough to the West African Ebola Virus epidemic (2013-2016), the World Bank developed a novel financial product aimed at providing swift financing to prevent the rapid spread of epidemic crises. The World Bank has aimed to utilize global bond markets to finance aid delivery to epidemic stricken regions through the creation of a pandemic bond instrument- the Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEF). This is the first time that capital markets have been used to affect the rate of epidemic spread. This strategy was designed to circumvent the deadly delays and false promises of country pledges to support epidemic response and provide funding within a matter of days. However, when faced with the 2018-2019 Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo the largest set of funds, a potential $150 million from the new ‘pandemic bond’ has contributed nothing to the effort to control the spread of the disease.
This chapter explores the history of catastrophe financing products and the contemporary history of international epidemic response to discern the roots of the PEF. Examining both the previous West African Ebola Virus Epidemic (2013-2016) as well other recent epidemics I demonstrate which assumptions of epidemic threat undergird the World Bank’s PEF structure and how it breaks from previous frameworks of pandemic threat appraisal such as the World Health Organization’s Public Health Emergency of International Concern designation. Drawing upon the theories of Achille Mbembe, Jean Baudrillard and others this paper examines the roots of pandemic speculation and locates its role within the larger ecosystem of global infectious disease control.
Li Zhang先生演題:Of Visceral/Somatic Practices in Healing
Psychological and mental health has become a prominent concern for many urban Chinese professionals and middle-class families in recent years as they experience heightened stress and grapple with distress of various kinds in a rapidly changing and extremely competitive society. Chinese therapists and clients however do not follow Western therapeutic models blindly, rather they engage in bentuhua--a process involving a great deal of modifications and hybridizations in practice so as to address the clients’ cultural sensibilities and social milieu. One of the most innovative bentuhua efforts that has the potential to reshape global psychotherapeutic practices in a positive way is through re-envisioning the body/mind relationship and remaking healing practices an integral approach beyond a deeply-trenched binary thinking. Many Chinese psy practitioners seek to integrate the bodily and mind aspects through tiyan and ganshou by involving one’s bodily sensation and affective organs while working with their clients. Based on my ethnographic case study on therapist Cai and his workshops, I show that this holistic approach combining talk therapy and mobilization of soma and senses is more effective and preferred among Chinese clients. I suggest that the Chinese experience might contribute to an integrated global psychotherapy beyond the mind and body dichotomy.
Alexandre White(Johns Hopkins University)
Alexandre White, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Johns Hopkins, Department of Sociology. He earned a B.A. in Black Studies from Amherst College, an MSc. in Sociology from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a PhD in Sociology from Boston University. He is jointly affiliated with the Department of the History of Medicine as an Assistant Professor in the School of Medicine and is a Director of the Center For Medical Humanities and Social Medicine at Johns Hopkins. His work examines the social effects of infectious epidemic outbreaks in both historical and contemporary settings as well as the global mechanisms that produce responses to outbreak. His published work in the field has demonstrated how differences in the perceived threat of deadly diseases have provoked anomalous responses to outbreaks. White has published extensively in social science journals on the topics of racism, slavery and medicine including in the journals, Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, Theory and Society and Social Science History. He is the editor of the volume Global Historical Sociology of Race and Racism and has published in medical journals such as the British Medical Journal, the New England Journal of Medicine and the Lancet. His current book project Epidemic Orientalism: Race, Capital and the Governance of Infectious Disease is forthcoming from Stanford University Press explores the historical roots of international responses to epidemic threats.
Li Zhang (The University of California-Davis)
Li Zhang (Ph.D. Cornell 1998) is Professor of Anthropology at the University of California-Davis. Broadly speaking, her research concerns social, political, and psychological repercussions of the market reform and profound transformations in contemporary China. She is the author of two award-winning books: Strangers in the City (Stanford 2001) and In Search of Paradise (Cornell 2010), and the co-editor of Privatizing China, Socialism from Afar (Cornell 2008) and Can Science and Technology Save China? (Cornell 2019). Her most recent book, Anxious China: Inner Revolution and Politics of Psychotherapy (UC Press 2020), received an Honorable Mention of the Victor Turner Prize in Ethnographic Writing by the Society for Humanistic Anthropology of the American Anthropological Association. Currently, she is working on a new project that explore aging, care, and the digital divide in China. She was a 2008 John Simon Guggenheim Fellow and the President of the Society of East Asian Anthropology (2013-15). She served as Interim Dean of the Division of Social Sciences (2015-17) and Chair of Anthropology Department (2011-15) at UC Davis.
東京大学総合文化研究科超域文化科学専攻准教授。ガーナ南部のカカオ農村地帯における フィールドワークを軸に生老病死と冠婚葬に関する社会人類学的・医療人類学的研究を行う。新型コロナウイルス感染症のパンデミック以降は、日本の対応や経験についても探求している。著書に『薬剤と健康保険の人類学』(風響社、2015年)、『感染症の医療人類学』(青土社、2024年)、編著書に『再分配のエスノグラフィ』(悠書館、2019年)、『新型コロナウイルス感染症と人類学』(水声社、2021年)がある。
Akinori HAMADA is an Associate Professor in the Department of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Tokyo. His main research interests include the distribution of pharmaceuticals and the effect of introducing public health insurance in Southern Ghana. From 2020, he is also exploring COVID experiences and responses in Japan from a medical anthropological perspective. He translated several books, including the works of Marilyn Strathern, Micheal Taussig, and Annemarie Mol.
東京医科大学医学部医学科教授。南太平洋のサモア社会における病気経験の解釈や操作、「障害」概念の受容に関する医療人類学的研究を行っている。また、医学教育に文化人類学的思考を導入するための教育手法の開発も進めている。主な論文として、「認知症診療における身体イメージの創出 画像診断によるアルツハイマー型認知症の描出と実体化」(安井眞奈美、ローレンス・マルソー編『想像する身体【下巻】 身体イメージの未来へ』臨川書店、2022)、「「障害」をめぐる共生のかたち サモア社会における障害支援NGO ロト・タウマファイによる早期介入プログラムの事例から」(風間計博編『交錯と共生の人類学 オセアニアにおけるマイノリティと主流社会』ナカニシヤ出版、2017)など。
Makoto KURATA is a Professor in the School of Medicine at the Tokyo Medical University. He conducts anthropological research on the interpretation and manipulation of the illness experience and the acceptance of the concept of “disability” in the Samoan society. He is also developing educational methods to introduce cultural anthropological thinking into medical education.
連絡先:北中淳子 junko.kitanaka@keio.jp <mailto:junko.kitanaka@keio.jp>